We are here to help you get answers to your questions about OneSimCard phones and services.

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11. eSIM
    • Can eSIM be used for Data, Calls and Texts?

      Yes, as of March 3rd, 2020, OneSimCard eSIM can be used for Mobile Data, Voice and Texts. However, you can still use the OneSim VOIP app option with a Personal Extra Number (PEN) for additional savings on calling and texting


      For DataMax eSIMs, only Data is available. However, you can use our OneSim VoIP app for cost effective voice and SMS communication.

12. Troubleshooting Questions
    • What should I do if my OneSimCard phone or SIM card is lost or stolen?

      If your phone or SIM card is lost or stolen and automatic recharge is on, this could be a serious problem.

      To prevent this, log in to your account and activate the option to block your service immediately after you notice your phone or SIM card is missing. You can find this option in the My SIM Cards menu. Your OneSimCard service for this SIM card number will be instantly blocked. The remaining balance on your lost SIM can be transferred to another SIM card on your account or you can order a replacement SIM card if you would like to keep your phone numbers from the lost SIM. However, the existing data package can’t be transferred to the new SIM card.

      Alternatively, you can contact customer service online or call 001-617-313-8888 for assistance.

13. eSIM
    • Do I need to have Data Roaming turned on for eSIM to work?

      Yes. Data Roaming should be enabled on your phone for eSIM for data to work. Calls and texts on eSIM World should work with or without it.

14. Rates and Cost Questions
    • How often do I need to recharge my OneSimCard account?

      For Universal E, Expedition E, eSIM World E, eSIM Asiania, Plus, Europe & More, & Standard SIM Cards, the international SIM card phone number and account will expire if no outgoing usage is made for 12 months. The outgoing usage could be any of the following: Call made from the phone, SMS sent from the phone or any Data Usage.

      Personal Extra Numbers will stay active as long as they have been funded properly.

      The SIM card balance is valid for 10 months. The balance will continuously roll over to the next 10 month period provided that at least $25 is added within 10 months after the last recharge.

      If the balance expires, the service can still be used after a new recharge of the SIM card.

      For Physical 3-in-1 DataMax & DataMax eSIM SIM Cards, the SIM card and account will expire if no outgoing usage is made for 12 months. The outgoing usage could be any of the following: Call made from the OneSIM VoIP App, SMS sent from the OneSim VoIP app or any Data Usage.

      Personal Extra Numbers will stay active as long as they have been funded properly and the SIM hasn’t expired. If the SIM card expires, but then is restored ($10 Restoration Fee applies), the PEN will be re-attached to the SIM card, as long as the PEN hasn’t expired based on the time period for which the PEN was purchased.

      The SIM card balance is valid for 10 months. The balance will continuously roll over to the next 10-month period provided that at least $25 is added within 10 months after the last recharge.

      If the SIM card balance expires, the SIM will expire and be removed from the account after 7 days, unless there is a data package currently active on the SIM (not a future activation). If there is no balance on the SIM and the active data package expires, the SIM will expire 7 days following the expiration of the active data package. So, to keep the SIM active you need to either keep a balance on the SIM or an active data package. 

      NOTE: If there is balance on the SIM card, but no data is used for 15 consecutive days, the SIM card will be blocked/suspended. To unblock the SIM card, simply go to your account portal and in the "My SIM cards" tab, click on "Unblock" on the "SIM Type" line.

      An expired SIM can be restored for a $10.00 restoration fee plus a recharge of at least $25.00.


15. Rates and Cost Questions
    • Does OneSimCard offer a U.S. Military discount?

      Yes! We offer a 15% discount (excluding airtime) for U.S. Military members when ordering with a verified .mil email address and entering promo code MILITARY15. This discount is only applicable for individual users, not for Corporate Accounts.
16. How To Use Questions
    • Is there a mobile app that will let me recharge my account and other services?

      Yes! Our myOneSim app for the iPhone devices will let you easily access many account services, such as recharging your account, checking voicemail, ordering discount voice and text plans, and much more. MyOneSim is available for download from the App store. Find more information in the Help section of your online account.


      DataMax SIM cards can't be managed by myOneSim app at this time

17. How To Use Questions
    • How do I prevent the service from expiring?

      The OneSimCard phone number has no expiration, provided you made at least 1 call or sent an SMS once every 12 months.

      However, the funds on the SIM expire 10 months after your last recharge. The minimum recharge amount is $25. You can keep the balance from expiring by simply recharging at least once every 10 months. If you let your balance expire, then all you need to do to get the service up and running again is to log in and add funds to your SIM card. Automatic recharge will be canceled if you let your funds expire.

      NOTE: For Physical 3-in-1 DataMax & DataMax eSIM SIM cards, if the SIM card has no balance, the SIM will expire and be removed from the account after 7 days, unless there is a data package currently active on the SIM (not a future activation). If there is no balance on the SIM and the active data package expires, the SIM will expire 7 days following the expiration of the active data package.


      An expired SIM can be restored for a $10.00 restoration fee plus a recharge of at least $25.00.


18. How To Use Questions
    • Can I disable per MB/Pay-As-You-Go data usage for DataMax SIM cards

      Yes you can. On your online account, in the "My SIM cards" menu, you will see a section labeled "Select SIM Card." In that section there is a line labeled "Use w/o Plan." If you do not want to use data on a per MB/Pay-As-You-Go basis, and only consume data with a data plan, set this to "Off."
19. Ordering Questions
    • Can I upgrade my Standard SIM to a Universal, DataMax or DataMax eSIM SIM or my regular size SIM to a micro or nano SIM?

      Yes. If you would like to upgrade your Standard, Plus, Europe & More, Expedition version SIM card to a Universal, DataMax, or DataMax eSIM SIM card, or upgrade a regular size SIM card to a micro-SIM card (for example, to use in an iPhones) then place your order online by selecting the product option on our Mobile Accessories page here. In the shopping cart you will be able to select your upgrade.


20. Rates and Cost Questions
    • What is time validity of OneSimCard SIM?

      All SIM types are valid for 1 year after the last billable use - phone call, sent SMS or data use.

      The SIM balance for all types of OneSimCard SIMs is valid for 10 months after the last recharge. Each recharge extends the balance for the next 10 months period. If you do not recharge within the 10-month period, any remaining balance will be forfeited.


      NOTE: For Physical 3-in-1 DataMax & DataMax eSIM SIM cards, if the SIM card has no balance, the SIM will expire and be removed from the account after 7 days, unless there is a data package currently active on the SIM (not a future activation). If there is no balance on the SIM and the active data package expires, the SIM will expire 7 days following the expiration of the active data package. Additionally, if a data package is purchased, and set for future activation, the inactive data package will expire after 6 months from the date of purchase.


      An expired SIM can be restored for a $10.00 restoration fee plus a recharge of at least $25.00.


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