We are here to help you get answers to your questions about OneSimCard phones and services.

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81. Ordering Questions
    • Can I upgrade my Standard SIM to a Universal, DataMax or DataMax eSIM SIM or my regular size SIM to a micro or nano SIM?

      Yes. If you would like to upgrade your Standard, Plus, Europe & More, Expedition version SIM card to a Universal, DataMax, or DataMax eSIM SIM card, or upgrade a regular size SIM card to a micro-SIM card (for example, to use in an iPhones) then place your order online by selecting the product option on our Mobile Accessories page here. In the shopping cart you will be able to select your upgrade.


82. Ordering Questions
    • What is 1SIM FUND?

      The OneSimCard Money Fund allows you to pay for OneSimCard services by means other than credit cards and also by Visa and Master Cards enrolled in the credit card security programs:


      Once you deposit money into your OneSimCard Money Fund through one of above methods, you can use this fund to recharge your SIM(s), order a second number, or make any other payment for orders placed at

      OneSimCard Money Fund additions are non-refundable. However, the money you put into the fund does not expire. There are no fees applied to the fund maintenance either.

      Example 1

      You are in Kenya and can't pay using a credit card. You would like to purchase a OneSimCard SIM for $39.95, and also be able to add airtime (recharge) later. You will also need to pay for shipping.

      First step - you need to add funds to your OneSimCard Money Fund. It's up to you what amount you would like to send us, but it should be large enough to cover your purchases. Let's say you posted $200.00 to your OneSimCard Money Fund.

      Once the money is received, we will send you a confirmation email. Then you can log in to your account and place your order. It will be instantly processed and the money will be deducted from your OneSimCard Money Fund account.

      Example 2

      You have 3 SIM cards and 3 personal second numbers.

      You want to set up auto-recharge for SIM1 and SIM2 in $25 increments and the third one in $50 increments. You also want to extend (recharge) your Second Numbers every month.

      Let's say you put $500 into your OneSimCard Money Fund account. Now you can set up $25 auto-recharges on your 2 SIMs and $50 auto-recharge for your 3rd SIM, as well as and automatic extension of your second number.

      This option allows many users around the word to take advantage of services without using a credit card.

      Example 3

      You use your credit card account to add money to the 1SIMCard Money Fund. The transaction from a credit cardl is instant. Funds will be instantly added to your 1SIM Card Money Fund, and then you can use the Money Fund to make any purchase at


83. How To Use Questions
    • How can I add airtime to my OneSimCard service?

      In order to add airtime instantly, simply register a credit card with us on our website.

      There are several ways to add airtime to your OneSimCard service.
      Automatic Recharge - recommended:

      1. Just log on to your account at and set auto-recharge in the Recharge Menu. Funds will be added to your account when your balance drops below the threshold you set.

      From the phone using your credit card (Universal, Expedition and eSIM World only):

      1. a) From the phone dial pad dial 098YYYY*XX. Talk. YYYY = Last 4 digits of the credit card used last at YY = Amount from 25 to 99 USD

       For example, if you need to add $50 and the last 4 digits of the credit card registered with us is  8654:
      You would dial 0988654*50 and press TALK. In few seconds you will get a confirmation message with  your new balance.
      * is a star character located on the keypad
      From the phone using 1SIM Fund:
       a) From the phone dialpad dial 098YYYY*XX. Talk. YYYY -  4 digits PIN you created in 1SIM FUND menu. YY Amount from 25 to 99 USD

       For example, if you need to add $50 and the 1SIM FUND PIN is  8654:
      You would dial 0988654*50 and press TALK. In few seconds you will get a confirmation message with  your new balance.
      * is a star character located on the keypad

      From the web interface:

      1. You must log in at each time you wish to add funds.
      2. The minimum recharge amount is US $25.00
      3. Using Recharge PIN purchased from a dealer:

      If you purchased a recharge PIN from OneSimCard Authorized dealer, you can recharge your account from OneSimCard handset from OneSimCard - Add Credit menu. When the Add Credit menu is selected, enter the 10-digit PIN and press the Talk (Send) button. 

84. How To Use Questions
    • How do I check my OneSimCard balance?

      For Universal, Expedition, & eSIM World ONLY: Just dial 099 "Send" from your OneSimCard phone and in few minutes the balance will be displayed on the screen of your phone. Customers with iPhones can use OneSimCard Assist app to check balances and many other things.

      You can always check your current balance by logging onto your OneSimCard account at

85. How To Use Questions
    • How do I make a call within the country I am currently located?

      You should make any call the same way as if you were making an international call.

      For example, you are in France and need to call Paris:
      You should dial 00331XXXXXXXX. Please note that you should not dial 01 for Paris, but rather just 1 after country code 33, because Paris' code is 1.

      Dialing 0 in front of 1 is required when making a regular long distance call within France to Paris. However, when making an international call or OneSimCard call, 0 is omitted.

      For example, if you are located in Italy and need to call Rome:
      You should dial 003906XXXXXXXX, as Rome's code is 06.

      Get more information about international dialing codes.
      If you are unsure about how to properly dial an international number, you can Click here for more detailed country by country dialing instructions.
86. How To Use Questions
    • How to activate and set up the mobile data service on your mobile device or tablet?

      1. Log in to your account at using the email address and password you entered during the activation or registration of the SIM.
      2. To enable data, go to your My SIM Cards menu, select your SIM card, scroll down to Internet Data and click ‘Enable’.
      2a. For DataMax SIM cards, you can disable Pay-As-You-Go (PAYG)/Per MB data on your online account in the "My SIM Cards" menu. You will see " in the "Select SIM Card" section an area labeled "Use w/o Plan:" to disable per MB data use, this should be turned off. It is recommended to use data plans whenever/wherever available.
      3. Turn on Data Roaming on your phone.
      This is all that is needed for mobile data to work.

87. How To Use Questions
    • How do I recharge using 1SIM Fund?

      First you need to make sure you have funds in your 1SIM Money Fund.

      You can do this by going to your 1SIM Fund menu and adding money from your, Visa Cards enrolled in Verified By Visa program, MasterCard enrolled in the Secure Code program or Bitcoin.

      Once you have money in your fund, then you can add funds to the phone service by one of the following methods:

      To recharge from your portal:
      1. Go to Recharge Menu and recharge your SIM
      2. Set up auto-recharge in Recharge Settings Menu

      To recharge from the phone using 1SIM Fund:

      Before being able to add money using 1SIM Fund from the phone, you need to log in to your portal and create a PIN in 1SIM FUND menu.

      To recharge from the phone with Universal, Expedition, or eSIM World SIM Cards:
      • From the OneSimCard menu of your phone, scroll down to Add Credit and select this option.
        You will see 'Please enter PIN' on the screen.
        Enter 4 digit 1SIM Fund PIN + * + Amount + press the OK.
        For example, if you need to add $50 and the PIN is 8654:
        You would dial 8654*50 and press OK. In few seconds you will get a confirmation message with your new balance.
      • Alternatively you can do the same from the main dial menu of the phone by dialing: 098+PIN+*+Amount+ Talk (Send) button.
        For example, if you need to add $50 and the PIN is 8654:
        You would dial 0988654*50 and press TALK. In few seconds you will get a confirmation message with your new balance.
            * is a star character located on the keypad

      Money will be deducted from your 1SIM Fund balance.
88. How To Use Questions
    • Is there a mobile app that will let me recharge my account and other services?

      Yes! Our myOneSim app for the iPhone devices will let you easily access many account services, such as recharging your account, checking voicemail, ordering discount voice and text plans, and much more. MyOneSim is available for download from the App store. Find more information in the Help section of your online account.


      DataMax SIM cards can't be managed by myOneSim app at this time

89. eSIM
    • Can I install my OneSimCard eSIM more than once?

      You can re-install the eSIM on the same phone up to 10 times.  eSIM can be installed only on one device. Once installed, it's not possible move that eSIM to another device. If you need to install eSIM on another phone, please order a new eSIM. Balance and PEN(s) from the old eSIM can be moved to a new eSIM at your request.

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