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61. OneSim VoIP
    • I can make calls through OneSim VoIP. However incoming calls are going through my roaming SIM. What's wrong?

      If your incoming calls are not being routed through the OneSim VoIP app then you are either not connected to Wi-Fi or the OneSim VoIP app is not active.

      Please make sure to check your phone's sleep settings, as they are usually preset to have Wi-Fi turn off when the phone enters sleep mode. To prevent this and to keep OneSim VoIP active for incoming calls, find the settings in your phone and set it so Wi-Fi does not turn off when the phone enters sleep mode.

      Note: if the OneSim VoIP logo on the top of your phone display is gray then you will not be able to receive calls through the application. When the logo is yellow that means you are connected and can receive calls through OneSim VoIP.
62. OneSim VoIP
    • Is there any additional cost to create a OneSim VoIP account?

      There is no additional cost except for the fact that you need to have a compatible Personal Extra Number (PEN) active on your SIM card.
63. OneSim VoIP
    • What are the advantages of using OneSim VoIP?

      The main advantages are significant cost savings and the ability to call from countries where there is no voice roaming coverage available, or for DataMax or DataMax eSIMs

      OneSim VoiP can be used from any Android or Apple ( iOS) device to make international LD calls even when you are not traveling. OneSim VoIP does not require having OneSimCard SIM being installed in the phone. OneSim VoIP can be used with Wi-Fi or 3G/4G - no difference. You just need to have OneSimCard account with the SIM VoIP capable PEN. Calling using OneSim VoIP will cost most of the time less than any other way of calling.

      OneSim VoIP is available with the following SIM cards: Plus, Expedition (formerly Data & Roam),  Europe & More, DataMax, and DataMax eSIM.
64. eSIM
    • Can eSIM be used for Data, Calls and Texts?

      Yes, as of March 3rd, 2020, OneSimCard eSIM can be used for Mobile Data, Voice and Texts. However, you can still use the OneSim VOIP app option with a Personal Extra Number (PEN) for additional savings on calling and texting


      For DataMax eSIMs, only Data is available. However, you can use our OneSim VoIP app for cost effective voice and SMS communication.

65. OneSim VoIP
    • When making an outgoing call how do I select which way the call should go: through regular roaming or through OneSim VoIP?

      To make an outgoing call using OneSim VoIP, you need to be registered on a Wi-Fi network and have the OneSim VoIP app running on your phone. You should make the call using the OneSim VoIP app dial pad. To make a call the regular roaming way,you should make a call from your regular phone dial pad. 

      NOTE: Regular roaming calling is NOT available on DataMax or DataMax eSIM cards. To use voice you will need to use the OneSim VoIP app

66. eSIM
    • Do I need to have Data Roaming turned on for eSIM to work?

      Yes. Data Roaming should be enabled on your phone for eSIM for data to work. Calls and texts on eSIM World should work with or without it.

67. eSIM
    • How does eSIM works?

      eSIM is not a physical SIM. It is a piece of software downloaded to a compatible phone. So there is no shipping involved with delivering eSIM.

      eSIM makes your iPhone or Pixel phone to be a dual SIM phone. This means that you can use two sim cards on the phone at the same time. You can select which SIM card is used for calls and texts, and which one is used for data. You can select which sim card is to be the primary and which one not to be used. You can make these changes from the settings of your phone at any time. In short - eSIM offers greater flexibility to your eSIM compatible phone. It allows you to use the service provider of your choice - whether you are traveling or staying home.

      OneSimCard eSIM can be installed only on a single device. It can't be moved to another device, but it can be re-installed on the original device up to 10 times if required.
68. eSIM
    • How do I install my eSIM?

      Before purchasing, please ensure you have verified that your device is unlocked and one of the supported devices. Installation is completed by using your phone to scan the QR code of the purchased eSIM.  You may scan the QR code by displaying it on the computer screen, another device, or a printed copy.

      If you’ve already purchased OneSimCard eSIM, you can see full installation instructions and access your QR code from the Recharge menu in your online account. Make sure eSIM is selected in the Select SIM Card drop down menu.

      If you have not purchased your eSIM yet, learn more about international eSIM here.

69. How To Use Questions
    • How should I send an SMS to get charged only 15 cents per text message?

      There are two ways for SMS message to be sent:

      • From the OneSimCard application menu called OneSimCard - TravelSMS. To send the message, you need to locate OneSimCard menu on the phone and then scroll down to TravelSMS menu. Sending text message this way is the least expensive and will cost you 15 cents per message from any country.
      • Usual way from SMS sending menu of the phone. It cost 40 cents per text message from most countries with the exception of few countries where the rates are higher.
        Find detailed rate information here.
      Another way to reduce the cost of sending Text is to use the SIM VOIP app and send SMS from the app. This will reduce the cost of sending SMS significantly.

      Bear in mind that sending SMS messages to the abbreviated special SMS destinations like voting, music downloads, etc. will cost you $9.00 per message.


      This does not apply to DataMax SIM cards.

70. Troubleshooting Questions
    • I just activated my SIM card and can't make a successful test call. What's wrong?

      If you just activated your SIM card and can not make a test call by following the instructions in the user manual, you will likely just need to power off the phone and power it back on again. The phone should automatically re-register with one of our partner networks. Remember, if you answer the test call when it rings you will be charged for the call.
      We strongly recommend you to watch very short video tutorials that will help you to understand how to make calls, SMS and data on your OneSimCard Phone.

      These videos are available in the Help Menu of your OneSimCard Portal. You need to log in to your OneSimCard account first and then proceed to the Help Menu to be able to access these videos.

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